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Humpback Whales
Physical Traits
About 60 feet long (Females are longer than males)
Weigh about 40 tons
Use their large tail fin (called a fluke) to help them swim powerfully
The pattern of scars and pigments on their bellies are unique to every whale
Picture From National Geographic
Picture From Cornforth
Picture From British Sea Fishing
Picture From National Geographic
Habitat/Feeding Behaviors
Eat plankton, crustaceans, and small fish
Eat up to 3,000 pounds a day
Hunt in groups
Blow bubbles to catch food and push it up to the surface (bubble net feeding)
Swim through large crowds of fish with their mouths open (lunge feedings)
Communicate to others by singing
They use a series of moans and howls
Only males sing
Includes frequencies humans can't hear
Each whale has their own song that only changes slightly
Has the most complex song in the animal kingdom
Social Behaviors
Jump out of the water (breach) and slap the waves with their fins
Mothers swim close to their calves and touch them with their fins as a sign of affection
Swim in pods of a dozen on calving grounds and pods of 3-4 during migration
Calves nurse for a year, and don't stop growing for 10 years
Adapted to a form of bubble net feeding called lob-tail feeding
10% of original population remains
Population is increasing
Threats include: fishing gear entanglement, harassment from whale watchers, and decrease in food supply
whale ya
breach 2
whale ya
Picture From Tony Wu
Picture From Adventure In Hawaii
Picture From National Geographic
Picture From Tony Wu
Picture From Tony Wu
Picture From Adventure In Hawaii
Picture From National Geographic
Picture From Tony Wu
Image From Strange Sounds
Image From Strange Sounds
For More Information.....
Sound Of A Humpback Whale - Ocean Mammal Institute
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